TPA 6188: Visualizing Themed Environments
Create a group of 3D polygonal models using Autodesk Maya software. The subjects of the still life must be based upon “real world” physical objects. Care should be given to creating proportional objects that relate in scale to each other. The still life project should be saved in a correctly labeled Maya project folder. The assignment will be graded based upon a single, rendered still imageas well as the Maya scene file.
3D Still Life modeled in Autodesk Maya and rendered using Arnold Renderer.
Still life featuring a Film Camera, Film Rolls, and a Yakult bottle.
TPA 5085C: Design Seminar for Theatre
In collaboration with your creative team, design all elements of the production, including: scenery, lighting, Projections, costumes, and sound.
Scenic Design deliverables: Research images, Full drafting package, Model or 3D drafting, Rendering/s, Storyboards
Project completed in 2023.
Set Design for "The Visit" Play by Friedrich Durrenmatt completed by Jon Bryan Salvador in SketchUp. Model was transported into Vectorworks for lighting design and rendering by Lance LeBonte.